Life is an endless struggle If stop struggling U R Finished. on April 25, 2017 +0 Life quotes Life quotes
Failures are only failures when we dont learn from them, because when we learn from them they become lessons. on April 16, 2017 Life quotes +0 motivational quotes Life quotes motivational quotes
When thinking about life remember this: no amount of guilt can change the past and no amount of anxiety can change the future. on April 07, 2017 +0 Life quotes Life quotes
Do not judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant on April 04, 2017 inspirational quote +0 Life quotes inspirational quote Life quotes
Only Dead Fish Go With The Flow on April 02, 2017 inspirational quote +0 motivational quotes inspirational quote motivational quotes
You have to be at your Strongest when you are feeling at you Weakest. on April 01, 2017 inspirational quote +0 motivational quote inspirational quote motivational quote